Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Charts, facts and news: I love!

I started my day by finding this interesting chart while browsing the MSNBC news online. It's really informative. It shows the major events that signed the first 100 days of the last 13 US Presidents. I was not surprised by finding so many similarities between JFK and Obama. They both shared the following: being idealists, desire to improve health assistance, minimum wages and international politics.
Here are some of my brief personal observations on past presidents:
* Roosevelt seemed like an honest man.
* Eisenhower said “I don’t like the word ‘compulsory’ I’m against the word ‘socialized’”. I'm obviously not a fan.
* Johnson encouraged the passage of Civil Rights Bill that JFK had fought for. I like that.
* Nixon ended the Vietnam war, had a good rapport with China, against spreading of weapons, but Watergate scandal made resign, against spreading of weapons. While in LA I once met at a gallery the photographer Harry Benson, we had a lovely chat. He told me that he had great respect for Nixon, he personally knew him and he really liked him.
* Ford suddenly president, solved nothing and everyone hated him.
* I actually remember Carter being president since I grew up around my parents who watch 3 to 4 versions of the news twice daily. I think he was good, all for human rights, he worked on the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, suggested already back in the 70s fuel efficient cars!
* Reagan, responsible for military increase and not watching weapons being sold in Iran.
* Bush Sr all about his stupid war, lacked in everything.
* Clinton, I liked him, he was all about research, gay rights, freedom of abortion, and the first lady was all over the place and very involved. Hillary would have been a great president too.
* Bush Jr all about the war (like his father!), he was against abortion, and counseling, and research. Al Gore should have won the presidency.
* Obama, idealist, first African-American, he initiated a massive stimulus to help economy (the largest in 200 years of history). He fights for universal health care, and to end war in Iraq. He signed in favor of embryonic stem cells research. He feels strongly about improving the education system and the environment.

It is really interesting to witness how Europe is accepting President Obama. I think after all it all sums up to be pretty positive, there are still some that are skeptical of him and I think that is normal. i was very pleased to see that Sarkozy had such an connection with him.

I was annoyed about the whole protest being altered into a violent act. Why can't they see that having a G20 is actually a positive thing!!! That is exactly why they have those summits, to discuss and find solution to issues that affect on a global level. Anyway, no reason to waste words over not so smart individuals. As far as I'm concerned it was an amazing day, the called it "The day the world came together".

Enough with all this seriousness. I have exhausted the sharing of all my random thoughts generated by a chart I saw on a website!