Saturday, March 28, 2009

ActionAid G20 Rally

About 40,000 people gathered today in London to protest the G20. Their final destination was Hyde Park where they had a stage with several guest speakers, and a huge screen. I joined them moved by my curiosity. It was quite the peaceful rally. It always amazes when people of all different backgrounds come together united only by the same beliefs and dreams. There were people with several banners and signs protesting different current issues: global warming, Gaza, jobs, animal cruelty, climate, justice, poverty... any possible problem that humanity and the planet earth is experiencing.

I experienced a feeling of encouragement! All of these women, men, and children fighting to make a difference. The speakers were great and most of them had traveled from all over the world to be here today and throughout next week. April 2nd is the day of the G20, and all these campaigners and activists have one main goal: have all the world leaders open their ears and eyes to the disastrous situation that we are facing. However some were upset about the fact the not all counties are represented at the G20. This is after all the "party" of the most powerful nations' leaders... so in a way what do you expect?

I was just so impressed by how many smart people there are around the world. So why is that "evil, wrong, and dumb" always end up ruling everything? Is it that the "smart, fair, and honest" are just a minority? That solves my question! Although I also believe that in the end is all about the money. If the wrong leader has the financial resources to do any sort of idiotic decision he/she can make... they will. It creates ego-power and too often destruction.

On a positive note, I was pleased to see how all the speakers made a point to mention president Obama! They chanted "Yes We Can" and they added "Yes We Will and Yes We Do!". Observing that: one, just ONE person is making such a difference on a global level it's really revolutionary!

I only made a short visit to this event... as it started to hail and rain at the same time. I ran back home and the temperature had drastically dropped. My hands were freezing to the point they were burning... if you have ever been in this type of cold you understand the unpleasant experience.

That's all for now. I must go back to Facebook and post my pictures!!!