Saturday, March 14, 2009

Lovely, I'm drunk... here are some flowers!

There are pubs who have beautiful flower stands right outside their front door. I always thought it made them look so pretty! The old English pub look with a fresh touch of color added by the pretty flower. It looks amazing, it's very picturesque!

I pointed that out to a friend today. I was merely making a comment about how pretty it looked... Then my friend promptly replied "Yes, it's very convenient! They guys gets drunk at the pub after work, they end up being late for their dates, so they buy flowers on their way out to excuse themselves!". I think that is genius! It must be the reason why. Those blokes get totally pissed at pubs every night... then by the time they stumble outside for a few quids they buy some pretty flowers to buy the girl's trust back! How would it work?

Scenario from intoxicated chap's view:

Drunk bloke- "My lovely, here are some flowers for you! You all'right? You sure? Really? You all'right?" (at this point he is still convinced that he will get laid!)

The dumb girl forgets her angry feelings towards the drunk bastard who made her wait for hours before showing up for their dinner date.

Dumb girl- "That's so nice! The flowers are amazing, they are amazing! That's nice! I'm so lucky!!!! You all'right?"

Do men really think that flowers and other silly gifts can just fix everything? Are they taught so since they are children? Or is it also women's fault? The kind of women that will forget and forgive anything in exchange for "stuff"! How would men react to the same treatment? The girlfriend comes back home trashed and with a few stinky flowers and a not so focused smile painted on her face... would he say "Aw lovely! Thank you!! You shouldn't have? You all'right? Let me make you some tea...". NO, no fucking way! It would no be that way! Just the other day I was reading one of those free magazines you get before entering the tube. I read an article about the fact that 1 in 5 men think it's ok to hit a woman! That is what would happen!! That is outrageous!

Question... How is that I managed to get to this feeling of disgust from my initial impression of thinking "that pub looks so pretty with the flowers right out front".

Did this just happened in my head? Did I just get myself all wired up over a fiction story I just created? Wow.... maybe I should just go to that pub and buy myself a nice pint and on my way out by myself some pretty flowers to make feel good and tell myself "I'm sorry!".