Wednesday, April 8, 2009

April's rant...

I can't believe I have written nothing the whole month of April! Where have I been? Quite honestly I have been going through a whiny, cranky, apathetic mood. I blame it on Spring, this season always makes me sleepy and lazy. I should be creatively writing something more productive... but I just want to vent right now.

Last weekend was beautiful, I had the brilliant idea to go running, then shopping at a open market, then I even interrupted my detox to have a "few" aperitivi around town... and it all resulted with me suffering from the worst cold I have caught in years. Luckily I'm feeling better. I have been taking a lot Echinacea tincture in my tea mixed with Umcka (which is amazing!!).

Why is that customer service in Europe does NOT exist? Have I really become so spoiled that I feel like I deserve to be treated as a customer? Or should it be normal common sense? Especially with the way the economy is right now! People are not spending as much and companies if not making as much of a profit won't think twice about laying off employees. Therefor you'd think that more than ever sales people would be doing there best to help you and sell you something... right? Oh, no! Please don't bother the very lazy and useless people at the counters either in England or in Italy (from my experience so far).

At grocery stores nobody bags you goods, they take their time while chatting on their cell phones, finally scan your stuff through in a rushed and rough matter... and they look at you upset for not having bagged your food while using the debit card machine! You will never hear them say "Thank you"!

I have been wanting to join a gym. I have been debating about joining a fitness club that offers classes as well, or just join a yoga studio (as it seems like this my favorite activity indoors... fitness wise!). After a studios research of mine that I did online, I selected a few places that I wanted to visit. They were rated as some of the best fitness centers and yoga studios in London. I had the exact same treatment on all of them. The girl at the "help" desk looked bored and not in the mood to talk. I cheerfully said hi and asked her a few question, and her answer was always the same "It's all on the pamphlet, read it at home!". They never tried to sign me up, they just didn't care. Needless to say, I have not signed up anywhere yet. What if the teachers are like that too? Can you imagine? "Now do the pigeon, if you don't know that position just look on the pamphlet!". No thank you!!

Clothing stores: here the employees look like teenagers who have smoked too much weed and have no clue what they sell, if they have your size, if the 80s are over!

And last but not least... cell phones and mobile contracts! For the last month or so I have been doing my homework to chose in between getting an iPhone or a Blackberry. I honestly like them both. Today I decided that the best way was to go in a store and ask about them, play with them and possibly getting one. I went to three different stores. One who sells the iPhone, one who sells the Blackberry, and one who sells both. All three sales people from different companies had the exact same skills.... ZERO! They all suggested I did some research online if I had questions! I advised them that I already did so and I was ready to sign up! When I asked about additional charges when roaming abroad using the internet, they got very scattered and again insisted that I go read about it online! They even suggested I just sign up online!

Why are these people so non-helpful? It almost makes you feel like they don't want your business! I'm not used to this at all! As I mentioned on other occasions this is epicenter of asocial and isolated human society in a overpopulated city. If I really wanted I could just buy my phone online, get a Wii that coaches me in my yoga, order my groceries online, for that matter anything can be purchased online. I just have a hard time with this concept! As much as I like being online to pay my bills, check my emails, catching up on the news, do never ending searches, blogging, etc.; I still like that human contact when I first consider making a big purchase. I like someone who explains to me the pro and cons of products. I appreciate when sales people can confidently answer my questions. And ultimately I love it when they thank me for being their customer with a nice smile on their face!

Well, so far a lot places have lost my business and money. I have yet to sign to a gym, get a new expensive phone, and a computer. I decided I will definitely get the computer back in the US, first is much cheaper and second I want customer service! I think I will just get my phone online. In regards to working out, I'm just going to be faithful to my squirrels, geese, ducks and swans at Hyde Park... at least they genuinely seem happy to see me! They are intelligent enough to understand that I feed them!