Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Can I say "helicopter envy"?

One of my dearest and closest friends in LA introduced me a while back to The Huffington Post site. I will call my friend Miss Twinkle Pink. She is not only fabulous and smart, but funny and an incredibly talented writer and I can only dream one day to gain even a tenth of her talent. She is one of my role models and she always keeps me up to date with the latest news. Anyway, if you're not familiar with this news site, you should check it out.

I just saw the video with Obama and McCain. Please see this link if you have missed it:


Is it me or have politics turned into such a live never-ending comedy source? Maybe it's because I didn't follow politics as much when I was younger. But it seems to me like it gets funnier and funnier (although the peak was definitely reached during the hysterical and a bit scary Palin appearance).

It is so obvious that McCain is having a major temper-tantrum about not having a Presidential Helicopter of his own! Look at the expression on his face on the photograph included with the article! He looks like an old angry baby! President Obama is as usual being his eloquent and elegant self, he's performing a great speech at the president's fiscal responsibility summit. He ends it with his gracefulness asking for McCain advice on the matter.... and all Little Angry John can come up with is a rant about the presidential helicopter!!! That is fucking hilarious! Once again he managed to make himself look like an envious and pathetic loser. He just can't give up, can he? YOU LOST!!! Be grateful that the new President is smart enough to know how to be diplomatic and still have a good and very polite sense of humor. Obama's reply was nothing less than brilliant! "The helicopter I have now seems perfectly adequate to me. Of course, I've never had a helicopter before. You know? Maybe -- maybe I've been deprived and I didn't know it."

What can I say? The more I get to know this President the more I really fall in love with him. I'm really still so amazed and happy that I was able to be part of such an historic election. I like his view, his ideas, and his speeches. I'm a realist and I'm aware that he will not be able to fix this catastrophic situation over night. But I really have faith in him. And you will rarely hear me say that I have faith in a Political figure. Here in the UK I think that people are quite skeptical of him. They like him but they question his intentions. But then again I think it's in the British blood to question everything. They do so during normal conversation. They don't make statements, they ask questions... not actually even statements have questions marks. Ok, I'm side-tracking, this should be saved for a different posting.

My point was that with everything else that needs to be re-designed with over scrutinized strategies to help the economy raise from this "quick-sand" hole of deficit; John McCain BIG suggestion was to complaint about President Obama's helicopter! Thank goodness for the Republicans that keep on causing good live comedy to lighten up the news.