Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sugar, wheat, cranky and addicted?

Who knew that I was so addicted to wheat and sugar? I went to a homeopathic doctor last week. She is amazing! I went to see her because I wanted a consultation on my new skin condition, it looks like I have acne! I never had it as a teenager! Am I getting younger? I will take it only at that condition. So my lovely voodoo doctor became a pseudo therapist for an hour. It was really fun. Then she tied me all up with several wires connected to a Quantum QXCI Machine. This revolutionary machine, based on quantum physics, scans the body for vitamin and mineral deficiencies, hormone imbalances, food intolerance and sensitivities, toxins, bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasitic infections as well as organs functions and vitality.

The result? She told me that I was born to be vegetarian and it's good I don't eat meat because my stomach is unable to process it. I can 't wait to tell my parents that! They forced me to eat steaks and chicken when I was little and I hated it! There was a reason why! She was pleased to hear that I take all the right supplements... however she warned me that I'm not absorbing any of them, this due to my new London's diet mainly built of pasta (hey, whole wheat with flex in it!!), bread, cheese, eggs and lots and lots of chocolate... My wheat intake is forming nice yeast in my tummy that prevents me from digesting properly, the cheese creates "damp in the gut" (these are her words that sounded terrifying to me!), and chocolate mixed with a good dose of stress induced by my parents is causing my lovely acne!

To "cure" me. She added more supplements to help my stomach to work properly. She severely prohibited me to eat any wheat, cheese, and sugar!! Therefore no chocolate (no alcohol either but I can live without that!). I never new I was addicted to it, NEVER! I always thought of myself as a very strong person with no addictions. Now it has been almost a week, and when I walk in a grocery store and see chocolate I have to make myself run away from it! Same goes for the pasta aisle... it is sugar after all.

Not only I look like a freak at the market, escaping from the chocolate cheesecakes and eclairs. To enhance even more this diet experience, I feel so tired and cranky! Not a good combo. I imagine myself dragging my body across the street like a sloth with the attitude of a baboon who just lost a whole bunch of bananas.