Sunday, March 14, 2010

High Fidelity by Nick Hornby

I recently read High Fidelity. I had not even realized until now that there the movie came out in 2000 with John Cusack, and that I had seen it. I read this book incredibly fast on my bus and metro rides. It is very easy reading and doesn't take too much focus to follow the story.
My thoughts? Mmmh, it's the story told in first person of a generic guy like there are millions of out there. At times I recognized myself in his statements and observations, but I have always joked about the fact that I think like a dude often. In other parts it helped me understand how simple minded most men are. There really is not a complex chain of thoughts behind their decision making other than basic cavemen impulses. One of my favorite quotes that I could relate with was: "There are men who will phone you, and men who will not phone you. I would really, really like to be one in the last group. They are "true" men. The kind of men that women have on their mind when they complain about us". I find that to be true. Women are just as idiotic as men. A man who will call you all the time and be very nice to you, will be judged as an annoying prince. Yet, as soon as we are ignored by a men and treated not so nicely... we instantly want the dirty S.O.B.! Why? Masochists, I think most women are naturally prone to be abused!

I liked it, and I did not like it at the same time. I liked the honesty of the character, how he revealed himself. How he is so pathetic, he is such a loser and deep inside he knows it. I hated that his girlfriend went back to him! She is smart, successful, and stylish... why does she need to be with him? He does not deserve her, he's a worthless douche-bag! Her explanation for wanting to go back with him is "I'm too tired not to be with you!". It makes women look bad! It shows that women are weak and must have a man in their life, even if he is the biggest loser who can't even pay for her dinner! At the same time, this ending as much as it caused me deep anger issues, it made it so human... she goes back to him after her father dies. She is lost and he is the one who has known her the longest. Although I don't agree with the choice I can understand the her fears and need to be with someone. And just when I think that he might redeem himself in a tiny slice of my respect... he once again disappoints me by wondering if this is going to be a "good" thing for him to have his girl back!!! This is the type of man to stay away from, he's ignorant, clueless and lacks ambition.

Final thoughts? Yes, I would recommend this book, especially to women. It's an eye opener.