Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Americans and Italians...

... a few differences I noticed during the last few weeks. Please note that this is supposed to be funny. Don't take any of it personal... if you do, you have no sense of humor!

Italians: They complain about all the politicians, they hate them all. The news love trashing them and advertising all the corruption, sex and drug scandles they are involved in. It's worse than a "telenovela-meet-big brother" contest! They read all the newspapers and watch the news religiously. They also like to complain about being Italian, and living in Italy.

Americans: Many refuse to follow the news. Not being aware of bad news, it's like fixing the problem and making it better... right? They love the party they belong to, they are proud of being Americans, and to live in the land of opportunity.

Italian Women: They must follow the latest trends in clothes, shoes, purses, phones, sun glasses, make up, haircuts, hair styles and colors. However they have awful hands, they just don't believe in manicures!

American women: This needs to be extended more, as each state has their own trends. Some are stuck in the 80's... why did they pick that decade by the way? Fashion evolved up to then... and then what? Some are stuck in some kind of "all year 'round beach-wear", with their flip-flops and shorts. It drastically changes in the main cities as NYC or LA where the uber fashionistas are very Cover girl! But cross-country American women are obsessed by their mani-pedi. Make up seems to be more in demand among the younger crowd.

Italian men: Just like their women, they love to follow fashion trends. From clothes, to shoes, to haircuts and sunglasses. But why are their hands in much better shape than women's??? Maybe because they don't do house chores... Having a nice expensive car is also a big men's fashion statement.

American men: For the big part they wear whatever is available. Although khakis and polo shirts are still a big hit! Shoes are not a priority in their fashion repertoire... but bright t-shirts with big logos of their favorite sport's team surely is!

Italian women: You still easily meet plenty of women who have only been with one or two men in their entire life, and they are happily coupled with someone (either number one or number two!). I'm not sure if I feel sorry for them or if I slightly envy their pure innocence mixed with the ignorance of not knowing what else is out there...

American women: You still easily meet plenty of women who do not remember how men they have slept with... this is sort of fascinating to me. It makes me feel sad somehow. It's like sex has turn into some non-special/routine action like going grocery, eating, or pooping... then again it is an animal urge! But I like to practice this basic instinct only when I feel it's special (even if is just a little... magic?)... one more sign that I just don't fit in either criteria, maybe I'm just an alien!