Monday, February 15, 2010

Only Me Portions :-)

I noticed I highly enjoy buying individual portions of food. It must the freedom feeling of thinking, this is JUST mine! I love it that now they have neatly pre-packaged fruits and vegetables for singles. I can buy 1 eggplant, 2 bananas, a small bag of pre-cut and pre-washed greens for my salad. It's wonderful, I always used to throw half of my stuff away, now they have finally realized that there is a high demand for "singles' food", we eat too for goodness sake... just not as much as two people would!
Additionally... I must admit that I think it's cute! It makes me feel like a big girl buying my own single artichoke!!! I also like it because I can have a bigger variety of colorful stuff in my fridge.
Ok, I'm a nerd, and yes I do make grocery lists before I go to the store, and I do cross things off with my pen as I put them in my basket! Hey, I'm a Virgo I can't help it being organized and detailed!!!!
Gotta run now to re-organize my socks' drawer by color, length and material.....